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A Heart to God and a Hand to Man

When we began the ministry of the Carpenter's House churches, we wanted to always remember the poor in the communities.  In 1999 we began with five families that we helped every month. God has multiplied that in incredible ways the past 18 years. Both of the Carpenter's House churches give to the poor and needy in their communities continually.  

God has used the finances of the churches to build houses for the poor, to feed those who are hungry, and to bless those who need it in so many ways.


One of the favorite seasons to give to the poor is at Christmas time.  Some years there was a special dinner for them with gifts, and other years the food and packages were delivered at their homes.  We thank God that He has so blessed our churches, that we are always able to have enough to give to the poor around us.


Our church congregations want to give material things, build relationships with them, and preach the Gospel to them by words and works.  

"Oh, the joys of those

who are kind to the poor!

The Lord rescues them when they are in trouble. The Lord protects them and keeps them alive."

- Psalm 41:1-2

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